Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Save the date

So Logan is (supposedly) having surgery August 31st. Like.....he is SCHEDULED on the 31st. They would have done it tomorrow, but it was full. It frustrates me that if the doc was so sure he was able to have it done this week he should have scheduled him LAST week when it wasn't full. Oh well. So far his prolapsed intestine is doing okay. They put sugar on it to reduce swelling (who woulda thought). Even the nurses seemed confused but they took a little sugar packet like you use for coffee and sprinkled away. WEIRD! Just one more way he's sweet!

In other news he is on NO oxygen support. They took off the nasal canula and he is doing okay. He destated a bit when I fed him but it was because he choked a bit. He got a little extra oxygen just to bring him back up, but otherwise he did fantastic. He is SO CUTE! I forgot my camera today but when I go back tonight I will be sure to get new pictures!

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