Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Been A while...

So I noticed that he last entry was Jan 24th. Well over a month ago... eek. Well I suppose this one should start with the surgery that the last one was waiting on: It went well. His bowel is reconnected and functioning properly as can be expected. No real complications except too high of feeds resulting in a little too loose of stool.

Since then, however... he was able to go home Feb 29. It's been a rough few days, but we are figuring each other out. Besides, no offense intended to either NICU he's been in, he's been a little spoiled the past nine months. Now he's got to deal with the same two tired people to take care of him always. No fresh meat in twelve hours, nobody taking care of you while the other person rests (theoretically, yes we could take shifts but... one that doesn't even SOUND right, two you try sleeping with Screamy McBaby blowing up the world because he does not understand what is going on in his mouth).

He is teething, gassy, and learning to deal with home life. Our car still has a bit of an odor when we run the vent so I am loath to use it to transport him unless it is warm enough to not use the heater. The mechanic suggests we take it to a detail shop and get the engine compartment cleaned.

But, all things considered, my little dude is doing fine. Going to be interesting to deal with the two-a-week home care visits, calls from the hospital to check up on us, weekly pediatric doctor visits, etc... but I suppose it's part of the game when your kid is a premie gut baby.

Life happens, you live it or not. And the "or not" option carries some grim implications, so we carry on!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad Logan is home with y'all now!

    I think I am holding the record right now for longest laps in blog posts. My last one was back on October 3rd lol.


I fixed it to where anyone can post comments.